Flat Iron Square Arches

Flat Iron Square is all things to lots of different people, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

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 It’s the city’s best option for social meetups and gatherings – bringing together friends, families or first dates – a buzzing location in the Summer with the sun beating down on our benches and booths, and quite cosy in the Winter.

With a rotating line-up of food vendors, you can enjoy a selection of global flavours. Indulge in a variety of options, including burgers, chicken, Mexican, or Greek cuisine.

Key Facts

  • Designer : 3 Stories
  • Client : TVG
  • Project Management : Steve Baltrusch

  • Safe Contractor Approved
  • Pledge to Net Zero
  • Acclaim Accreditation
  • BSI ISO 9001 Quality Management
  • City of London – Skills for a Sustainable Skyline